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ECOWAS to deploy monitoring force to Guinea-Bissau

2009-3-11 09:20| 发布者: Andy| 查看: 100734| 评论: 0|原作者: Lu Yanan|来自: Internet

LAGOS, March 11 --The Economic Community of West African States

(ECOWAS) has decided to deploy a multi-disciplinary group to monitor and

coordinate the security sector reform currently going on in Guinea-Bissau,

according to the Guardian newspaper Wednesday.

This was one of the recommendations made after a three-day meeting of the

Committee of Chiefs of Defense Staff of ECOWAS members, which held in Praia,

Cape Verde.

The recommendation followed briefings received by members of the committee

on the security situations in Guinea and Guinea-Bissau, among others.

The ECOWAS commission said in Abuja that the planned deployment in

Guinea-Bissau is crucial in restoring confidence to the country following the

killing of the Chief of Defense Staff of the Armed Forces, Tagme na Waie and

President Jo'o Bernardo Nino Vieira, earlier this month.

The defense chiefs in addition called for a review of the 1999 ECOWAS

Protocol relating to the mechanism on conflict prevention, management,

resolution, peacekeeping and security to address flash-points that could develop

into conflicts in West Africa.

They also called on the political authorities in West Africa to support the

transitional government in Guinea toward the restoration of democratic civilian

rule in the country, and urged the transitional government in Guinea to respect

the timetable set for general elections so as to gain the confidence of the

international community.

The defense chiefs proposed the employment of alternative dispute

resolution methods to address internal conflicts in the region to ensure a more

robust approach to regional stability.

Mohamed Ibn Chambas, president of the ECOWAS Commission, had expressed

optimism about the prospects for a successful transition by the military regime

in Guinea.

He said there were encouraging signs that the regime was willing to comply

with international demand for a short transition.

Chambas also emphasized the need for solidarity by the international

community for Guinea and urged partners to assist with funding that would enable

the country to overcome its challenges, including the conduct of elections under

the transition program.



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