重磅!今早有人在Youtube上传了以下的一段发生在去年年底的偷拍视频: 纽约市选举委员会长官承认民主党的投票作弊 In the video, NYC Democratic Commissioner of the Board of Elections Alan Schulkin is caught on hidden camera at a United Federation of Teachers holiday party admitting that there is widespread voter fraud in New York City.“Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there is a lot of voter fraud,” said Schulkin, who elaborated on the types of voter fraud that are taking place in New York.“You know, I don’t think it’s too much to ask somebody to show some kind of an ID…Like I say, people don’t realize, certain neighborhoods in particular they bus people around to vote,” said Schulkin. 视频中的对话并翻译如下,亮点颇多。 A: Alan Schulkin 民主党在纽约的选举事务官; J: Journalist Project Veritas的记者 这场对话听起来像是一个装无辜的妹子面对一个大叔循循善诱,大概因为是晚会比较放松,这位颇有怨言的事务官几乎是知无不言。事情发生在2015年12月15日,教师联盟的圣诞节晚会。 视频是今天刚刚上传的,两个小时内点击量就从20万翻了一番到40万,主流媒体也有所报道了。视频底下的评论都在对男主说rip,比如这个: Just downloaded this in case the video is found with two gunshot wounds to the back of the head in an apparent suicide.? 我要赶紧把这个视频下载下来,说不定过几天就能看到报道说有人脑后中两枪显然是自杀身亡,然后那个人长得跟这位一模一样。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: I think there is a lot voter fraud. Right. Like I say, people don't realize certain neighborhoods in particular, they bus people around to vote. 我知道有很多的选票舞弊,对的,比如,人们并不知道在某些社区,他们(民主党)会用开大巴拉人去投票。 J: They do what? 他们干啥? A: They bus them around. They put them in a bus and go poll site to poll site. 他们开着大巴把人从一个投票点拉到另一个投票点重复投票。 J: Like, what kind of neighborhoods? 额...比如说那些社区啊? A: Oh, I don't want to say. 噢...我可不想说。 J: Oh, like minority neighborhoods, like black neighborhoods and Hispanic neighborhoods? 噢...大概是那些少数族裔的社区吧,比如黑人和西班牙裔的?(记者目测在带节奏)
A: Yeah, and Chinese too. 是咯...还有华裔。 J: Oh...why do they do that, just to get more votes for Democrats? 这样啊...他们为啥这么做啊,就是为了给民主党拉票? A: For votes. More votes for themselves. They're all running for office. 为了选票咯,为他们自己拉票。他们都在竞选职位。 J: Oh, yeah for like their candidates? 就是为他们候选人拉票咯 A: For the Assembly, for whatever. They get buses and they move people around. 为了Assembly之类的,我鬼知道。他们开着大巴拉人去投票。 J: New York doesn't have voter ID laws, right? New York? 纽约法律没有规定投票需要证件吧? A: No, you can't, you cannot ask. 没有,你都不能问选民要。 J: They what? 啥? A: They can't ask for voter ID. 你不能要求选民出示证件。 J: Why's that? They can't... 这都不行...为啥啊? A: It's the law. The law says you can't ask for anything, which they really should be able to do. I don't think it's too much to ask somebody to show some kind of ID. 法律规定的咯。法律说不行就是不行,但我觉得应该是要看身份证的。选举的时候看看投票人的身份信息我觉得一点也不过分。 J: Yeah, I mean why not? I mean you have to show an ID for everything else. 对啊,为啥不能?你上哪不需要身份证啊。 A: Right. You go into a building you have to show them your ID. 是啊,你随便进个楼都要出示身份证明。 J: Well you're the Democratic...you're the Commissioner you said of the Democratic Election Commissioner. So if you think there is voter fraud and you think there should be voter ID, why don't people listen to you? 好吧,但你是民主党的啊,你还是竞选事务官呢。如果你觉得选举有舞弊,怎么不去进言啊? A: Well, that's because the New York state legislature makes the laws, I don't make the law. 纽约州立的法,又不是我。 J: And you're saying there's a lot of absentee ballot fraud too. 而且你说还有很多空头选票舞弊。 A: Oh there's thousands of absentee ballots. I don't know where they came from. 是啊,成千上万张,我都不知道哪来的。 J: Yeah but, that's the thing though, Hillary Clinton doesn't support voter ID laws. 就是哎...但是希拉里不支持立法要求选民出示证件。 A: I know, that's why I'm not always crazy about everything the Democrats do either. De Blasio just gave out ID cards. 是啊,所以我并不是民主党做啥我都支持。De Blasio(2010-13年的纽约市长)还发过身份证呢。 J: He what? 他干了啥? A: He gave out ID cards, de Blasio. They don't...that's in lieu of a driver's license, but you can use it for anything. But they didn't vet the people to see who they really are. Anybody can go in there and say, I am Joe Smith, I want an ID card. It's absurd. There is a lot of fraud, not just voter fraud, all kinds of fraud. 他向民众分发身份证啊(从上下文看应该是给黑户口的人发的)...用来代替驾照,能拿来干各种事。但他们又不仔细检查来领身份证的人详细情况。任何人都能走进办公室说:我是张三,给我来张身份证。这里面猫腻大着呢,不仅仅是选举舞弊,各种舞弊。 J: What a waste of taxpayer money. 真是浪费纳税人的钱。 A: This is why I'm getting more consevative as I get older. 所以我觉得我越老越保守了。 J: Well, maybe you won't vote for Hillary, I don't know. 哈哈大概你不会给希拉里投票了。 A: I wouldn't, but I have no choice. 我也不想,但我没办法。
J: Not not just like voter ID because of voting twice, but people can like cover their faces, you know what I'm saying? 不仅仅是你说的这些问题啊,有些人还能把脸遮起来去投票呢,你懂我意思吗?(这明显就又是在带节奏) A: Well, the Muslims can do that too. You don't know who they are. 对咯,比如穆斯林就能这么干,你根本不知道是谁 J: De Blasio wants to let them in New York. 但是市长想接纳他们到纽约来。 A: He doesn't care, what does he care? Who's going to pay for it? You are. Your tax money. 市长才不在乎这个,他在乎这个干啥。谁会为此付出代价?你,你们纳税人。
J: The Muslims, yeah, especially all those burkas. Someone could claim, oh it's my religion, but then you don't know if they are pretending or not. 是啊,穆斯林可以,他们不是可以穿那个大袍子嘛。他们还可以说,这是我的宗教信仰。可你又不知道是不是真的。 A: Exactly. Your vote isn't really counting, because they can go in there with a burka on and you don't know if they are a voter. 就是这样的。所以的你选票并没有什么卵用。因为他们(穆斯林)可以穿着袍子来投票,把脸一挡,你甚至都不知道他们是不是注册的选民。
J: You don't what? 你的选票啥? A: Your vote gets discounted because they come in with a burka on and they can vote. People think, you know, it's a liberal thing to do, but I take my vote seriously and I don't want ten other people coming in negating my vote by voting for the other candidate when they're not even registered voters. 你的选票价值大大打折扣了。因为他们(穆斯林)可以穿着大袍子随便来投票。你懂的,大家觉得这么做(不去质疑)才符合我们左派的范。但是我对我的选票看得很严肃,我才不想我投的票莫名其妙地就被根本没有注册的选票对冲了。 J: Are you sure you're a Democrat? 你真是民主党的吗? A: Sometimes I'm not. 有时候我觉得不是。 J: Are you sure you're a Democrat lol? 你真的是民主党的吗哈哈哈哈? A: I'm only telling you this. 我就这么跟你说说
单单民主党在这次选举中的作弊,媒体和舆论系统性的有意识的误导、腐败、篡改和欺骗,就是投给特朗普的理由了。。你再投给希拉里,4年后就不会有选举了,因为那时候你改主意已经太晚了。民主党把剩下的几个州选举法一改,高院一提名,基于系统性的腐败和fraud,你支持谁将不再重要。 单单民主党在这次选举中的作弊,媒体和舆论系统性的有意识的误导、腐败、篡改和欺骗,就是投给特朗普的理由了。。你再投给希拉里,4年后就不会有选举了,因为那时候你改主意已经太晚了。民主党把剩下的几个州选举法一改,高院一提名,基于系统性的腐败和fraud,你支持谁将不再重要。 这些话尤其是值得对桑德斯的支持者们说。不需要说服他们去同意川普或喜欢川普,只需要告诉他们,为了最后的对抗腐败体制的自由的希望。 当然,也许,现在就已经来不及了。 民主党再上台后什么都不用干了。每四年选举前大赦一次+用税金拉着所有民主党支持者每人投票十次,江山永固 强调一个基本常识:投小人、投蠢货、投民粹都可以,但是不能投连基本规则都不讲的伪君子。 这点来说,共和党的节操显然比民主党高不少。众所周知,共和党内根本不想推Trump作为候选人。但愿赌服输,Ted Cruz一路死缠烂打,最后不行就很干脆地认输,大家担心的党代会小动作没有发生。而满嘴仁义道德的民主党,却干了什么? RIP Alan Schulkin, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head 6 times and jumping off a roof while hog tied. He left behind a suicide note stating "I'm sorry for those lies I told about the Democrats. Donald Trump made me do this!"? 安息吧Alan Schulkin。 他会通过对自己脑袋连开六枪然后困住四肢从房顶跳下去来自杀。他会留下一张自杀遗言:“对不起,我说了那些关于民主党的谎言。是川普让我这么做的!”评论好幽默呀。。。。 这视频如果早一周放出来,保证全世界都要高呼“偷拍可耻”。