Qianqian 'Queenie' Xu was only two months old when she died after a horrific stabbing attack 一位从中国来澳探亲的53岁男子被指谋杀他2个月大的孙女,还捅伤了与他一起来澳的妻子及居住在布里斯班的女儿。警方将指陈,男子是因为被家人阻止服用药物而雷霆大发,继而行凶杀人。 据《信使邮报》报道,在周三案发前,这位外公因行为怪异令家人质疑他吃的药物。他被指周三在布里斯班南部的帕金森(Parkinson)家中,捅死外 孙女徐倩倩(Qianqian “Queenie” Xu,音译)并严重捅伤妻子和28岁的女儿曹媛媛(Yuanyuan Cao,音译) 女婴遇袭后不久死亡,曹媛媛的丈夫乔治(George)当时在Kedron的炸鱼薯条店工作,不知道案发过程。曹媛媛当时从家中逃出,跑到邻居家求救。 行凶的外公后来自残,伤势严重但稳定,昨日在医院接受心理评估后被认为不适合接受警方问话。探员们今日料在医院录口供,并控告该男子谋杀。 他的妻子昨天伤势严重但稳定,他的女儿也一样。据信男子一直在服用一种中国药物来对抗抑郁病。 Dean Tian每个星期都去新希望教堂(New Hope Church),他说他上星期天从教堂送了这对外祖父母回家。 “他看起来非常焦虑,在礼拜完之后,他跟牧师多聊了一个小时来谈论他的感受…他显然因为文化冲突而不适应,很多祖父母会从中国过来帮忙带孩子,但他们 不知道有这么难。这是不一样的文化、不一样的语言,这真的让他们很难适应,他们需要有人倾听他们的感受。这对老人的孩子我从来没见过,他们总忙着经营自己 的商店,很少来教堂,我从来没遇过他们。” 焦虑的邻居们讲述了曹媛媛当时如何恳求邻居帮忙救她的孩子,她自己已经倒在车库的血泊中。 一位自称Matilda的邻居说:“她只关心她的孩子。一直在叫人救孩子。我们想帮她处理伤口,但她只担心孩子。” 据信曹媛媛逃出来的时候两个手臂严重流血,不知道自己的孩子被捅。警方昨天证实孩子是在她的摇篮里遇害的。 据信,外公外婆去年9月左右来澳为外孙女的出生做准备,后来曾回中国但在12月初又来到澳洲,帮忙带孩子,因为女婴的妈妈打算继续回银行工作。 孩子的父亲乔治告诉探员,他们事前并没有觉察什么异样。 What appears to be a baby carrier on grass near the scene of the stabbing attack on Wednesday Neighbours have gathered at the scene to watch police investigations unfold as officer stand guard outside As officers dig through the scene, three of the baby girl's family members remain in hospital under police guard Emergency services staff stand near a pool of blood after being called to the scene of the attack Police and ambulance vehicles clustered near the Brisbane address on Wednesday afternoonTwo-month-old baby girl dies after stabbing attack Emergency services were called to an address in Parkinson, in Brisbane's south, about 2.30pm Blood could be seen on the drive outside a house in Parkinson, a suburb in Brisbane's south Police officers at the scene of the stabbing on Watheroo Place, where four family members were seriously injured A group of police officers huddle near the scene of the incident at Watheroo Place Forensics crews were pictured at the scene on Wednesday where a crime scene was established (澳纽网) |