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Japan urged to stop playing with fire on Taiwan question: Chinese FM

2023-7-26 10:30| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 50| 评论: 0|原作者: Zhao Li|来自: Ecns.cn

摘要: (ECNS) -- China strongly disapproves of and firmly opposes the recent remarks of Japan’s State Minister of Defense Toshiro Ino and has made serious démarches to Japan, Chinese Foreign Ministry spoke ...

(ECNS) -- China strongly disapproves of and firmly opposes the recent remarks of Japan’s State Minister of Defense Toshiro Ino and has made serious démarches to Japan, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning stated at a press conference on Tuesday.

According to media reports, during a recent interview with a UK media organization, Japan’s State Minister of Defense Toshiro Ino claimed that if the Chinese mainland takes military action on Taiwan, Japan very possibly will provide Taiwan with some kind of support, not sure though whether it is going to be in the form of defence equipment or logistical support.

Mao asserted that Taiwan is China’s territory and the Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair, which brooks no interference by any external force.

“The remarks of the incumbent high-level official of Japan’s defence department constitute blatant interference in China’s internal affairs in disregard of the basic norms governing international relations and the principles set out in the four political documents between China and Japan and have a damaging effect on the political foundation of China-Japan relations,” Mao declared.

She stated that, for half a century, Japan exercised colonial rule over Taiwan and committed notorious crimes to the Chinese people.

“Given the grave historical responsibilities Japan bears for those crimes, it is all the more important for Japan to act prudently and draw lessons from the history,” she added.

“What makes Japan think it is in a position and has the confidence to make such unwarranted remarks on Taiwan?” Mao questioned.

Mao stressed that the complete reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation and an unstoppable historical trend.

“No one shall underestimate the strong resolve, will and capability of the Chinese people to defend the nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We urge Japan to stop playing with fire on the Taiwan question. Those who play with fire will eventually get burnt,” she reiterated.





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